'Aborigines of Tasmania' by James Erskine Calder, 1821-1877
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Call number: A 597
Author: Calder, J.E. (James Erskine), 1808-1882
Date: 1821-1877
Description: Correspondence, notes, and accounts gathered by James Erskine Calder that relate to European interactions, conduct, and treatment of Tasmanian Aboriginals with particular focus on indigenous language and vocabulary. The volume was rebound into new covers at an unknown date. It includes: Copies of Calder's 1876 letters to the Honourable Alfred Kennerley and to the Premier Thomas Reibey (1876-1877) requesting a public monument to Truganini for her "good services to the country" and relates activities of Mr George Augustus Robinson. Inclusion of Riebey's response dated 27 February 1877 Letter addressed to Dr Agnew, Secretary of the Royal Society [formerly the Tasmanian Society], with notes on the languages and dialects of Aborigines of Tasmania and prominent individuals (especially Robinson and Jorgenson), 1st September 1876 Copy of 'Some remarks on a short vocabulary of the natives of Van Diemen's Land; and also of the Menero Downs in Australia', by Dr. John Lhotsky, F. R. Bot. Soc. of Bavaria, 17 May 1877 Letter from James R. Scott, son of Thomas Scott, to James Erskine Calder, 17 May 1877, providing "Words of the Oyster Bay Tribe of Tasmanian Aborigines, attained by Thomas Scott, Assistant Surveyor General, in September 1821, when surveying the coast from Prossers River northwards" [pages 32-33 library pagination of original manuscript] Copy of letter to James W. Agnew regarding James Erskine Calder's paper on "language of the aborigines of Tasmania", 21 September 1876 Plan showing the exact spot where Truganini is buried [and] Truganini's grave Extracts dated 8 and 11 July, 11 August 1829 [account of the deaths of aboriginal males Jack, Catharine and William] Personal account and observations made by Alex McKay about the removal of the Cape Portland tribe by George Robinson from mainland Tasmania to [Swan] Island and indigenous customs, 20 October 1830. Deaths of Capt. B. B. Thomas and Mr J. [i.e. James] Parker, 31st August 1831. Account taken from "The Independent" a Launceston newspaper [and inquest].
Communities: Palawa Karni / Tasmanian languages