'Aborigines of Van Diemens Land' by Thomas Henry Braim, 1830-1840
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Call number: A 614
Author: Braim, Thomas Henry, 1814-1891
Description: Native Languages of Van Diemen's Land: Eastern Language pp. 67-68 Western Language pp. 69-70 Southern Language pp. 71-73 Vocabulary additions to the Eastern Language pp. 79-81 Thomas Henry Braim was a schoolmaster and Church of England clergyman. His colonial career lacked nothing in vigour and enterprise. Circumstances were against his attaining conspicuous success as a schoolmaster, but they were the raw materials of his success as a cleric. He was of a practical rather than scholarly disposition, yet well read and something of a writer. He completed in 1840 a draft of a work on the Aboriginals of Van Diemen's Land. He published the first three issues of the New South Wales Magazine in 1843; the first Australian classical school-book, Eutropii Historiae Romanae (Sydney, 1844); A History of New South Wales from its Settlement to the Close of the Year 1844 (London, 1846); and New Homes: the Rise, Progress, Present Position and Future Prospects of Each of the Australian Colonies and New Zealand (London, 1870). Reference: Australian Dictionary of Biography http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/braim-thomas-henry-3043 (Accessed 24/7/2013)
Communities: Palawa Karni / Tasmanian languages