My dusky friends : sketches of the south eastern natives of Western Australia, 1861-1910 / compiled by Mrs. A. Y. Hassell
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Call number: A 1534
Author: Hassell, Ethel, 1857-1933
Description: Chapter 1 My home Chapter 2 Native dress and weapons Chapter 3 Native foods Chapter 4 Twertup Chapter 5 Native song and dance Chapter 6 The chudic, waitch and coomal (the wild cat, emu, and ring-tailed oppossum) Chapter 7 Burial rites, Legend of the eclipse of the sun Chapter 8 Junnocks (Spirits) Chapter 9 Waitch and Gindie (emu and stars). Yardie Chapter 10 Legend of the Southern Cross Chapter 11 Chiefly honey and spinning Chapter 12 Spirit Mother, wizard stones Chapter 13 Native battle and single combat Chapter 14 Orien Belt and the Pleiades. The man curl or fire dance Chapter 15 The Wheelow. (Curlew) Chapter 16 Baaylet. (The Echo) Chapter 17 Legend of Waitch and Coomal (emu and oppossum) Chapter 18 Ceremonial Dance and Jonnock curl. The Legend of the Spirit fire. Chapter 19 Story of Ter Ter and Cootup. The Blue bird and sparrow hawk. Chapter 20 Legend of Waalegn and Chillian. The wedge tailed eagle and sea eagle. Chapter 21 Waitch and Coorley. Emu and wild turkey Chapter 22 Dalyar and Gudgilon. The parrots and hawks. Chapter 23 Legend of Waarleck and Wording. (The wedge tailed eagle and black crow) Chapter 24 Story of Norm and Cubine. (The black snake and mopoak) Chapter 25 The Legend of the Flood...a trip to Esperance Bay in 1861 Chapter 26 The Woolgrum Chapter 27 Chudic, Waitch, Coomal, Coolbardies and Towran (wild cat, emu, grey oppossum and ring neck parrot) Chapter 28 Chitter Chitter and Cubbie Pinny Pinch. (Willy wagtail and friend Robin Redbreast) Chapter 29 Younger and Maak. Omer and Younger. Kangaroo and the Moon, Brush Kangaroo and Kangaroo Chapter 30 Carrah and Woolah. Red tail cockatoo and white tail cockatoo Chapter 31 Account of ascent of Bluff Knoll. Beulah Meaul. Includes Aboriginal song with personal names and English translation (page 107 in the document, or page 60 on this site); vocabulary pages predominantly of bird names (pages 455-459)
Communities: Wiilman